sitting n. 1.坐,就座,就席,坐的姿势;充当(绘画[摄影]的)模特儿。 2.开会,开庭;会期,开庭期间。 3.(坐)一次,一气,一股劲儿。 4.孵卵;孵卵数;孵卵期。 Can you give me six sittings 你可以让我画六次吗? The sitting is open [is called to order]. 现在开会了。 an opening [a final] sitting 开幕[闭幕]会。 adj. 1.坐着的,就座的。 2.孵卵中的(雌鸟)。 3.易于命中的。 4.租占着田地[房屋]的。 at a [one] sitting 一气,一口气,一下子。 be holding a sitting 在开会。 to be sitting 开会。
You can read this book in one sitting . 你可以坐着一气把这本书读完。
Aries : eats all of the chocolates in one sitting 白羊座会一口气吃光所有的巧克力。
You consider your ability to eat an entire bag of cheezits in one sitting a super - power 你把你那一次吃完整包饼干的本事看作是超能力。
Man : yes , it ' s full of suspense and mystery . i couldn ' t put it down . i read it all in one sitting 男:是的,充满悬疑和神秘。我爱不释手,一口气读完呢。
Read the article in one sitting . for longer material , " chunk " it - - into chapters , for example - - and follow this procedure for each chunk 一气呵成的阅读文章,对于太长的可以分段? ?例如分成若干章节? ?然后依次阅读。
I understand that it may not be feasible to go through the whole thing in one sitting , so if necessary , bookmark it and go through it at your leisure 我想任何人要一口气读完它是不现实的,因此做了必要的书签方便大家可以随时浏览。
Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in may 2006 in clifton west yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting 吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。 2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。
I read all four books in one sitting and i suddenly understood why my friends , who i ' d thought were slightly backward , had been so addicted to these books 我看完了四本书,而我突然了解我的朋友,我以为有点矫枉过正,也如此的对这些书上瘾。 ”
Exactly seven years ago , on wednesday 9 december 1992 , the exchange fund amendment bill received its second and third readings in one sitting of the legislative council without debate 就在年月日星期三,外汇基金修订条例草案于立法局会议上在无须辩论的情况下,一次过通过二读和三读的程序。